Jyotirmoy Datta

Bhavsar among biggest names at Venice Biennale by ADMIN

Janet and Natvar Bhavsar

Does the 53rd Venice Biennale mark the end of art? Most critics have damned it, while recognizing it as the biggest event - in size, noise and money - of the art fraternity of the world. Beyond the hoopla at the annual extravanganza was an exhibition where Gujarat-born New Yorker Natvar Bhavsar was among the biggest names.

Read the entire article, written by Jyotirmoy Datta for DESI Talk by clicking here.

Book on painter Natvar Bhavsar by noted historian released in N.Y. by ADMIN

The inner circle of art in New York City, which in the years immediately after World War II replaced Paris as the art capital of the world, in an informal ceremony last week placed its crown of recognition around the brows of a man born in the obscure Gujarat village of Gothava in 1934 and who came to the United States in 1962 to study art at the University of Pennsylvania.

Read the entire article, written by Jyotirmoy Datta for News Times India in New York, by clicking here.

2 shows in Europe and a book from Down Under feature the art of Natvar Bhavsar by ADMIN

It is ironic that while there has been not a single show of Natvar Bhavsar's works in India since he came to the United States in 1962, not one but two solo shows by the New York-based artist are scheduled in Europe for the last quarter of 1997.

The first of these, in Badragaz in Switzerland at Gallery B of the Badragaz Grand Hotel, will run from Oct. 21 through Dec. 14.

Read the entire article, written for India in New York by Jyotirmoy Datta for the News Times India, by clicking here.